•Stone: Labradorite
•Metal: Sterling silver
•Stone Colour: White with blue iridescences
•Stone Shape: Round
•Stone Diameter: ~ 1.2cm
•Ring Size: 59 (19)
Labradorite took its name from the area in Canada where it was first discovered. Blue Labradorite is a grey/blue/green colour with iridescent shimmers of various colours reflected from within the stone when the light hits it, due to refractions within the mineral itself. White Labradorite has white colour with blue iridescences. This phenomenon is known as labradorism and generally radiates blue, mauve, green, and orange colours. Labradorite is an aluminium silicate of the feldspar group, which is characterized by the trigonal crystal system and the hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale. It can be found in many countries, including Canada, Madagascar, Australia, Mexico and the USA.
Labradorite repels negative energies, and prevents them from interfering in the passage of psychic thought. It helps remove fears and insecurities restoring faith in ones own abilities. It works in tandem with the imagination, helping the formation of original ideas. It is believe to relieve stress thereby reducing pressure. Lastly it works wonders on the metabolism balancing out hormone levels and activity. In the zodiac sphere Labradorite is attached to the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio, Cancer and Sagittarius.
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