Amethyst on a base 49cm


Polished Amethyst piece, placed on a rotating metallic base, with a height of 49cm. The half-upper part of the base is rotating, while the rest part remains stable.

1 in stock



Stone Amethyst

Stone Colour Purple

Stone Size ~ 36cm x 22cm x 8cm (h x l x w)

Base Size ~ 15cm x 15cm (l x w)

Product Weight ~ 9kg

Total Height of Product ~ 49cm



The word Amethyst has its origins in the Greek words “a” and “methw”  Not Intoxicated, as in years gone by, it was believed that Amethyst protected against drunkenness. Amethyst is a form of Quartz  also containing manganese, iron and titanium, while the main structure is of Silicone Dioxide, while the purple colour, is due to the presence of iron and aluminum. Amethyst is characterized by the trigonal crystal system and the hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. Amethyst is derived mostly from Brazil and Uruguay.



Amethyst is a spiritual stone which balances emotions, ensuring peace and tranquility, and facilitating reflection and meditation. It helps diminish anger and removal of negative energy and feelings. As well as this, it is believed to assist in ensuring spousal fidelity, love, and tenderness. Amethyst is charged with encouraging peaceful sleep, and is attached to the zodiacs of Pisces, Capricorn and Aries.

Additional Information

Weight 18 kg


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